
Teacher for online school greeting their class

Most people have fond memories of a favorite teacher. Whether it was a teacher who sparked an interest in a new subject, created a sense of belonging in the classroom, 或者倾听并表现出善意, 人们记得老师们创造了一个舒适的学习环境,真正改变了他们的生活.

与老师保持良好的关系会影响学生的学习效果. 研究表明,牢固的师生关系会导致更高的学术投入, 更高的成绩, 更少的破坏性行为. 相比之下,那些有 消极的关系 他们的老师可以 感到压力, 这可能会导致学习成绩不佳,对学生的社交和情感发展产生负面影响.

推荐正规买球平台® teacher Matthew Bullock has said of his teaching aspirations, “I needed [a teacher] who cared for me as a person. Those teachers are the teachers I strive to be today.”

A student’s comfort level also plays a role in their success. Does being comfortable help you learn? 研究 说是的, 当学生在自己的学习环境和老师身边感到安全和舒适时,他们在学业上的表现会更好.

作为家长, 你希望你的学生与他们的老师建立联系,这样他们就会感到舒适,并有一个很好的学校经历. 你知道你的孩子是独一无二的, 你希望他们的老师能真正了解他们,看到他们与众不同的地方, and that their teachers understand how to make a student feel valued. 

The Collaborative Triad: Teachers, Students, and Parents

连接学院知道,需要一个村庄来帮助一个孩子充分发挥他们的潜力,成长为一个自信的人, 独立的富有成效、快乐的成年人. 在网络学校, 通往未来成功的道路是建立在教师之间的合作和支持之上的, 学生, 和父母. 在学生的学习过程中,三和弦的每一个部分都要发挥自己的作用, 将教师和学生联系起来,以获得积极的学习体验,使学生在身体和情感上都感到安全 学习环境 so that they can achieve success.

如果你正在寻找老师与学生联系的方法,或者如何让学生在课堂上与老师交谈感到舒适, 这里有一些建议可以帮助你建立牢固的师生家长关系. 遵循这些也将帮助学生在课堂上获得归属感,建立自信,他们将需要与他们的老师以及他们在人生旅程中遇到的其他人建立持久的联系.

A virtual school teacher creating a comfortable 学习环境 for 学生


Online school teachers have a great opportunity to build authentic, lasting relationships with their 学生. 然而,在实体学校里,老师必须平衡一个由25名以上学生组成的班级, tending to all their needs at any given moment, online school teachers can spend more one-on-one time with each student. They can get to know the individual, and then tailor lessons based on their student’s individual needs. 家长在发展积极的师生关系方面也起着关键作用. 这里有三种方法可以为学生创造一个舒适的学习环境,鼓励他们与老师互动, 哪个会导致持久, 支持连接:

1. Allow Your Teachers to Get to Know Your Student

了解每个学生作为独特的个体,将在发展积极的关系和建立信任方面有很长的路要走. Ask your student to share their likes and dislikes with their teacher. Teachers who know their student loves to play soccer, 有一只宠物狗, 喜欢骑自行车, 或者更喜欢读图画小说的人会和他们的学生有更多积极的互动,因为他们可以在对他们真正重要的事情上建立个人联系. It will also show 学生 that the teacher really cares about them.

分享他们的兴趣爱好也可以帮助教师建立对个别学生更有效的课程. 这也会建立信任, 当学生遇到问题或不理解某节课时,是什么导致他们更愿意向老师求助. 有了信任,学生在需要帮助的时候会更少害怕,更有信心去寻求帮助.

2. Encourage Peer-to-Peer Interactions

当学生感到有联系时,他们会感到舒适——这超越了与老师的互动. 与同学保持联系将提升学生的经历,并支持他们的社会发展. Find ways to encourage your child to participate in group discussions. Invite them to join online study sessions or 课后社团 认识其他学生.

“I think that peer interaction for 学生 is incredibly important, and I incorporate those opportunities in my LiveLesson® sesions. 我也提供每天的办公时间, which have become an additional opportunity for 学生 to gather and hang out. I have a group of 学生 who regularly attend office hours just to chat,艾丽莎·格劳恩克说, 一名教师 俄勒冈连接学院

3. Make a Safe 学习环境

Being safe in the classroom is extremely important for both 学生 和父母. Whether 学生 attend school online or in a brick-and-mortar school, 他们需要一个学习的环境,在那里他们可以表达自己,而不用担心被报复或 被欺负.

Monitor the interactions that happen between your student, 他们的同学, 还有他们的老师, and address any concerns about negative behavior that impacts your student. Talk to your student’s teacher about enforcing a zero policy for bullying. If your student approaches you about 被欺负, 认真对待这些指控, 联系老师和学校,要求他们采取措施解决这个问题.



家长与连接学院的老师并肩工作,支持学生,确保他们在学业上取得进步. They are also their student’s strongest advocates and biggest champions.

通过鼓励学生寻找与老师互动的机会,帮助他们与老师建立重要的联系. Make sure they attend classes and other teacher-led sessions. 教他们如何通过提出问题和在需要的时候寻求帮助来为自己辩护. 如果他们害羞 or too nervous to talk to teachers or speak up in class, 和他们一起做一些角色扮演练习,让他们练习自己想说的话. 提供积极鼓励的话语来建立他们的信心,帮助他们感觉更舒服.

你也可以帮助他们 获得自信 通过让他们参加课外俱乐部和活动来培养他们的社交技能. 在这些活动中,他们通常必须与教练或其他值得信赖的成年人进行互动, 这给了他们在生活中与老师和其他成年人交流的练习.


Students should take an active role in their learning, 上课, and making progress with their lessons. Students can build a connection with teachers by participating in class, attending any planned extra sessions a time permits, and showing an interest in the subject matter. 毕竟,鼓励你的学生向他们的老师询问所教授的科目, 这就是他们的激情所在!

对于学生来说,为每个人维护一个安全的课堂环境也是很重要的. Encourage them to be kind to peers, 参与小组活动, and support others when they are sharing in class.


If you would like to learn more about 网上学校如何运作 and how you and your student can form a collaborative team with teachers, join a 推荐正规买球平台 information session to learn if online school is right for you.




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